Meg & Sam / Proposal


When Sam reached out to me about secretly photographing his proposal to Meg, I think I fluttered around the house squealing for 20 minutes! To sum up the relationship here – A couple of years ago,  Dave and I decided we would make the plunge and join a life group at our church. The one that I was lucky enough to land in (seriously, each member the most incredible woman of the Lord), included Meg’s mom, Dureen. I have her sweet self to thank for getting me connected at Harvester and giving me the courage to work at the “get connected” booth in our church lobby. It was there that I met Meg for the first time and fell in love with her heart right away. I heard about her boyfriend, the videographer and musician, while working the booth with her and anticipated meeting him for the first time. Sam, like Meg, is one of the kindest/most welcoming/most genuine souls. These two quickly made a place in my heart, as I know they have every member of HCC and those lucky enough to encounter them. Together and as individuals, the love of Christ radiates from them – and it was my serious honor to be a part of this moment.

And NOW, for how we made it happen! With the help of Stacey at Happy Camper Clothing Co., we were able to trick Meg into thinking that she and Sam would be modeling for a product styled shoot. We all arrived early to set the scene and pretend to have a shoot in progress when they got there. I credit the fact that this went off without a hitch to Stacey, because I was an awkward ball of nerves when they arrived! Sam requested a picture with Meg before they started modeling the products, and I pretended to want a few more poses for my portfolio. I say “pretended,” but they are beautiful, so I really would have done this even if it was a styled shoot, lol! I had Meg face away from Sam, pretending to be posing Sam behind her. Stacey distracted her with products in the distance while Jeffrey (the awesome videographer) and I got into place. And as much as I’d love to keep telling the story, I think the photos can do a better job now :)

Congratulations again, you two! So excited to see what the Lord has in store for you!


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